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My name is Eric Abneri, a 22 year old student and lifelong baseball fan. I am an avid ballhawk, Mets fan, collector, and researcher of commemorative baseballs. You can find me where I am most active on Twitter here, you can find me on Instagram @ericabneri and @metscollector, you can find me on Facebook here, and you can always email me at! I happily answer questions and talk with any and everyone interested in commemoratives or anything regarding the website. started long before the site went live. Original work on my “Commemorative Database” project as it was called at the time started in the summer of 2018. My goal was to get a photo of the game used version of every single commemorative used in MLB history, and to get any photo of all other commemoratives made for MLB and other purposes. So far, I have accomplished getting photos of most of the baseballs I need, but I still have a needs list.
As you should know, money will NEVER be expected from anyone viewing any part of my website. I will do everything to make sure this stays that way forever, even if it takes a small cut out of my wallet. If you ever want to help the site grow, and cover some of its hosting fees, contact me about making a donation. Any donation is greatly appreciated, and never required. I would put your name on the acknowledgements page as a thank you for your support! The purpose of this website is to be a great resource for everyone to use and enjoy.
Some short acknowledgements
This site could have never been possible without the help of those who are educated on commemoratives, and always helped me along the way. My commemorative database sources photos from a lot of places, but a good portion of them come from only a small number of people. These people were a huge help to the creation of the database and this site. A big thanks to the following:
Zachary Mazefsky, Joseph McMahan, Zack Hample, James Lee, Spencer Schweinfurth, Tom O’Riley and Rusty Wuerffel.